Thursday 24 November 2016

Stepping out into the World of Blogging... Step One...

Today is my first attempt at blogging. As we jump with both feet into the technological age (or did we already do that a long time ago), I am encouraged, challenged and inspired to try blogging. While this is actually a daunting challenge at this moment, I am hoping that this endeavor will allow me to connect with parents and students on a more regular basis on things that are important to all of us.

This adventure into publishing my thoughts is almost as scary as my first attempt at making my own Christmas floral arrangements for my yard. I had the individual parts, I understood the concept, and I had a generally idea of what I wanted the end product to look like but I wasn't sure if I had the skills, the artistic ability or the confidence to make my own floral arrangements. Once they were done, I wasn't sure if they matched the idea in my head and whether or not they were worthy of being displayed. That is kind of how I feel about this blog.

However, as a life-longer learner, and as a person who encourages others to challenge themselves to learn continually, I have decided that I am up to the challenge. I am going to see how this works. See what the response is and decide whether or not I want to continue in this new concept. As I step into this I have concerns like:who is going to read this? are my thoughts important? am I going to make a spelling mistake? will I know how to fix my mistakes? how can I ensure that my posts are valuable? accurate? helpful? encouraging? am I taking on more than I can manage?

These are just a few of my random thoughts at this point. But as I worry about some of these things, I am reminded that this is good for me. It is good for me to feel uncomfortable. It is good for me to be challenged. It is good for me to take risks. Students feel uncomfortable on a daily basis. Our students are challenged on a daily basis - and sometimes students are challenged minute by minute in classes.

Additionally, we ask students to take risks to deepen their learning. So, I remind myself that this adventure is good for me. I will learn. I will grow. I will make mistakes. I will survive. This will be a great adventure and hopefully have a positive impact on students and parents. Hopefully, the finished product will be worthy of your time.