Friday 6 January 2017

Yes! You can Finish Strong by Doing Well on Final Assessments.

First, let me tell you that I enjoy learning. I enjoy taking classes, writing papers, studying, learning some more and sharing my learning. If you would ask my family they would likely say that I like going to school and taking classes a little bit too much. However, one thing I do not enjoy is writing a test or sitting down for an exam. Those two events can be high stakes situations for me and for many of our students.

Some of our students might thrive in exams or tests. They love being able to answer every question with confidence and knowing that their studying has paid off. Unfortunately, this is not the case for everyone.

So how do we help students prepare for the end of semester assessments, whether they are exams, large projects, portfolios or tests of some sort? I don't believe there is one right way to do well on an exam or test. But, I do believe that there are things that we can all do to reduce our anxiety going into a final assessment that will set us up well for a positive result.

Some simple hints:

* plan ahead
     -  don't leave all the work or all of the studying for the night before - that's just too stressful even if you are doing well in a course

*break the work down into small chunks  
       - if you have a big exam with 6 units to cover, look at one unit a week or day for a few weeks or days prior to the exam
      - if you have a portfolio to put together - divide up the work, get one section done then start on the next

*take care of yourself

      - make sure you get enough sleep, eat properly and have some fun prior to the year end assessments and throughout as well
      - if you are hungry, tired or grumpy you won't retain as much when you study and you won't do as well on the final assessment

*plan study breaks
     - get up, stretch, shovel the driveway, play a game (one game- not 14 hours online) and then get back to studying

*complete your final assessment strategically
     - do the parts you know first, then go back for the ones you are not quite sure of, make educated guesses when all else fails
       - you can NOT get marks for things you don't answer - even if it is a complete guess you have more of a chance of getting something right with a guess than you ever will with no answer at all
      - remember - sometimes the test or exam itself may have information on it that will jog your memory or help you answer a question - so read the entire assessment

*do not give up
      - believe in yourself, try your best, make sure you think positively going in and realistically after you are done.

If you need more information on helping yourself, or your student, prepare for final assessments here are some links:

(Please note I have gone on to these websites. I have tried to pick links with good tips and as few advertisements as possible... but there will be some advertising... My apologies)

Teacher Vision - Test Taking Tips
Bright Education Study Tips
FastWeb 20 Study Tips

Last but not least: one video from Wellcast that may be helpful.