Monday 28 August 2017

Starting the Year off Right!

Sadly, Summer holidays have drawn to a close. However, the good news is that we have a new school year ahead of us full of opportunities. What is this year going to look like for you?
What are your goals? What will be your list of successes in June 2018? You need to plan for those now.

So how do you start the school year off well and in a way that is going to lead to success?

Here are some tips:

1. Look at your schedule carefully. Is it balanced? Do you have all the courses you need? Do you have courses that will challenge you? Are there courses that will broaden your mind, artistic ability, personal interests and leaves doors open for the future of possibilities?

2. Check out what is going on at the school. Get involved. Whether it's a sports team, games club, drama, art, volunteering for score keeping, helping out backstage for school productions, student council, social justice and human rights initiatives... it doesn't matter. GET INVOLVED. The more you put into school the more you get out of school. (and... it also looks great on your resume)

3. Show up. Every day. Every class. Start the year right. And continue well. Students who are in class everyday for every period do better. ( I know... It's SHOCKING). But honestly, you will make friends and acquaintances in class which helps not only with your sense of belonging... but also if you need someone with whom you can study or do homework or just hang out. It also makes it easier to get help from the teacher, know when things are due and how to complete the assignments successfully.

4. Do your work. On Time. Right from Day One. There is nothing worse than getting to a week away from the first report card and having 20 assignments overdue in each class. Want to avoid that? There is only one way. Do your work - right from the first day of classes. Don't fall behind. Then!!! You won't be overwhelmed a week before report cards go home.

5. Set Goals. Make a plan. Follow it. Make goals about academics, extra-curricular, jobs and even friendship. Then make your plan on how to achieve those goals. Then... follow through.

6.  Talk to your guidance counsellor. I am not just trying to drum up business for the guidance counsellors. If things aren't going well. If you just need to chat. If you want to know about post-secondary options. If you need help making a resume. If... the list goes on... Talk to your guidance counsellor. That's why we are here. School stuff. Home stuff. After you graduate stuff. We are here to talk and help you work through those things.

Of course there are many more things you can do. Here are some links to other articles with great tips. Check them out.

Tips for Students

More Tips For Students

Tips for Teens

And if you want to share this with your parents, here are tips for them.

Tips for Parents

101 Tips for Parents

More Tips for Parents