Tuesday 3 October 2017

Habit Forming

The school year is well underway and by this point you may have formed some habits already. Some of those habits are good. Some of those habits may be not so good or maybe even down right bad - if you are hoping to earn credits and move on in school.

Some of the good habits you may have already formed may include some or all of the following:

  • showing up to class every day and on time
  • doing your assignments
  • handing in work on or before the deadline
  • asking for help from your teacher when you don't understand
  • asking for help from a classmate if you missed a class or don't understand
  • talking to your guidance counsellor if there are issues with a class or issues outside of classes

Unfortunately, some of you have formed habits that, if they continue, will be the cause of you repeating a class or possibly even the whole semester. Some of this detrimental habits (meaning habits that are not going to be good for your success) include:
  • skipping classes
  • neglecting to do any work
  • leaving things to the last minute and then not completing them
  • pretending you understand everything and not asking for help
  • causing distractions in class that prevent your own learning and the learning of others
  • pretending "you got this" and not seeking support or help from friends, family, teachers or your guidance counsellor
Here is the good news.

1. If you are in the first group... YAY! 

You are on track to have a great school year! 
You are setting yourself up for success. 
Well done. Keep it up!

2. If you are in the second group... there still is Good NEWS...

It's not too late. We are just at the beginning of October. 
You can still turn this around.

Make a plan. 

Follow through on that plan.

Things to consider:

a. It's not too late to catch up. Don't plan on catching up all in one day. But plan on doing at least one or two assignments a day working towards catching up.

b. Talk to your teachers. Find out what is most important.Start there. 

c. Use your spares to catch up. Talk to friends. Enlist their help.

d. Form new habits. Start attending class. Ask for help. Do your work. 

e. Keep thinking positively. You can turn this year around. You can do it. Believe in yourself. 

f. You are in control of your mindset. Decide its worth it and make it work.