Monday 27 November 2017

It's All in Your Head? True or False?

The answer to that question is True. Or False. Or it Depends. What are we talking about exactly?

If we are talking about our ability to learn, take in new things, etc then - yep, it's mostly in your head.

Carol Dweck, author of the book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success and Mindset: How You Can Fulfill Your Potential, has a great explanation of this... BUT don't worry  - I'm not going to tell you have to read her book.

But - check out this video. It is a great explanation of the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. And take note... you truly need to have a growth mindset to learn, to challenge yourself and increase your chances of success.

Once you understand the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset you may want to work on developing your own growth mindset. In order to do this you may want to first evaluate your own mindset. Is it fixed mindset or is it a growth mindset? Or does it make a difference what the task is?

For example,  I have a somewhat fixed mindset when it comes to physical tasks like skating. I mean, I tried it. I wasn't really successful so why would I try again - yep definitely a FIXED MINDSET.  But when it comes to learning something new - like a new language or photography or a computer program - I'm all in. I don't know it yet. But I can learn. That's my GROWTH MINDSET.

It does not have to be one or the other. You can fluctuate between the two depending on circumstances, tasks or the day. However, a growth mindset is a great goal for all situations.

So, if you want to develop a growth mindset, here is a great video with 4 steps to help you think about developing a growth mindset.

If you want to learn more about developing a growth mindset you can check out Carol Dweck's Ted Talk.   The Power of Believing You Can

The Anxiety BC also has an interactive website that has a tab for youth - specifically about what you tell yourself and how that impacts your thoughts and feelings around anxiety. You can check it out here: Right Thinking

And one last video about how to deal with challenges. It talks about the power of grit and a growth mindset.

Going back to the top. It's all in your head? true or false? TRUE! - When we are talking about your abilities to learn, improving, facing challenges... It is all in your head. It's in your mindset. Are you working with a growth mindset or a fixed mind set?  You control that. A growth mindset will set you up to face the challenges or the new learning. It will allow you to see failure as just a step on your road to knowledge or success. It will give you the mindset that will allow you to conquer new things. Are you working with a growth mindset? If not, are you ready to work on developing a growth mindset? Let's get started!!

Tuesday 7 November 2017

Why I Choose to Wear a Poppy

Photo courtsey Royal Canadian Legion
I wear a poppy for a reason. It may be the same reason you do or it may be different. But for me it is a conscious choice. 

I have at times debated the wearing of a poppy. And at times I have chosen to wear the MCC peace button instead of the poppy. And I have friends who wear both the poppy and the button. 

Here is why I wear the poppy. I wear it out of respect for those who have fought in wars. Those soldiers carry their wounds with them - even once the fighting is done. I wear the poppy to honour them.

I wear the poppy for my uncle who fought on the beaches of Normandy and came home. He never talked about it. At least not that I heard. But it impacted his life. 

I wear the poppy for my cousin who served in the Canadian Armed Forces in the Infantry. 

I wear the poppy for my cousin who is American and fought in Desert Storm. 

I wear the poppy for my cousin's daughter who is a Corporal in the USA Marine Corps.

I wear the poppy for former students, who aren't much older than my current students, and chose to enlist in the Canadian Armed Forces to serve their country.

I also own the MCC peace button and I wear it. When I am wearing it, I am not meaning any disrespect to those who have fought and died so that I can have the freedoms I have. I am not trying to disrespect the Peace Keepers, Armed Forces or people at home that keep us safe. However, I believe in Peace. I grew up in a church and community that believed in, and continue to believe in, pacifism and peace. 

I wear the button for my uncle who during WWII was a conscientious objector and have to leave home and work for the government here at home.  Mennonite Conscientious Objectors
I wear the button for all the people working towards peace here at home and across the world.

I wear the button for those who are affected by war and need peace so desperately.

I wear the button for the refugees who have been unable to go home for years and years and truly need peace.

I wear the button for those around us who have never known peace. For those who have only known violence. For those who are crying out for peace.

I wear the button to remind myself that I am an instrument of peace and that I need to work towards peace in my community, in my province, in my country and in my world. 

I wear the button because it reminds me that even here at home in Manitoba, Canada we need to work towards peace and towards reconciliation. Not all of our battles have been fought on foreign soil. We have a history of violence to the First Nations, Indigenous, Metis, Inuit and many other immigrant groups.  We need peace here at home. And we need to works towards it. Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action

So what about you? Why do you wear the poppy or the peace button? What does it mean to you? What does Remembrance Day mean to you? Have you thought about it? Or if you choose to not wear the poppy - Why? Why are you making that choice? 

Want to think some more on the poppy and why we wear it? Check out these links:

And if you want to watch a few moving Remembrance Day Videos - check out the following.  There are so many more online.