Friday 27 April 2018

Tips for Teens and Parents - Making the Most of Transition Times.

As many of you, who read this blog, know, I tend to be a wordy person. I like words! And, as my colleagues at my former school have said, I often will use a 100 words when 10 words would suffice.

Clearspring Middle School 
For my last Blog post I was going to have 10 tips... but I had so many words. I had to cut it down to 2 tips.

For today's blogpost, I am going to give you an abundance of tips. However, I am going to let you read them from people who are more succinct with their words than I am.

Kleefeld School (Grades K-9)

The first link: What to Know Before Getting to Highschool talks specifically about somethings students should know before the get to high school. Three that caught my attention - learning to take public transportation, pumping gas and advocating for themselves. There are other great ideas but these ring bells for me.

We don't have any public transportation here and I grew up in an even smaller town without public transportation. The first time I took a Winnipeg City bus to go to university it was quite a daunting task. The first time I took a subway in Toronto was equally overwhelming. However, those two experiences made it easier for me to navigate the public transportation system and metro in Ukraine even though I didn't speak the language. Maybe it's time for a family field trip to Winnipeg, park the car at a shopping centre and all explore how to take public transportation in Winnipeg including transferring buses. You may not need it today. But it may be very helpful when it's time to leave home and see the world - whether that world is Winnipeg or Paris or Moscow.
Winnipeg Transit - Try it out! 

Pumping gas is an important skill as well. I know we have many full-service gas stations around. However, if you travel outside our cozy corner of Southern Manitoba you may realize that isn't the case every where. Students, who later become young adults, should know which side of the vehicle the gas tank is located, how to get the nozzle in the car, how to turn on the pump and how to pay. It's kind of embarrassing when you are on a road trip and the only gas station available is self-serve and you don't have a hot clue how to use it. And... if you know how to fill up your parents' gas tank you may be able to get a job at a local gas station!! BONUS!

University of Manitoba
Last, but definitely not least, how to advocate for oneself. This is a skill we all need. Teaching your child at a younger age how to respectfully express their needs, their situation and the possible solutions is a great skill for them to have. Teenagers that can come into the guidance office, a teacher's classroom or a principal's office and advocate for themselves have learnt a valuable skill that will bode well for them their entire lives.

The next link is more for while you are in High School but are worth while skills for life. They include time management, goal setting, commitment and more - check them out.
Top 10 For High School Students

The book store at UM Fort Garry Campus
One of the tips that was very helpful for me as a country kid going to University in Winnipeg, was to spend a day just wandering around at the university during the summer, locating my classes, the bookstore, the coffee shops and where to pay my fees! Take the time to do that before university, college or Bible school starts.

And finally, the following link talks about happens next. How do you know you are ready to graduate? What can you expect. It has great pointers about measuring success (it's not all about the money) and somethings to expect after you graduate. Check it out here: I'm Graduating!!! Woohoo! Now What?