Wednesday 30 May 2018

And So It Ends...

The date today is May 30. One month from now it's all done. Pass or Fail the year is over in a month. Only 13 days of classes left and then EXAMS. Then Graduation for those in grade 12.

Where did the year go? Who knows? But it is almost over.

So here it ends. The year comes to a close. My final words to you before it ends.



You CAN do this.

I know. Sometimes, it looks dismal at this point. Sometimes, it feels hopeless. Sometimes, it's just soooo overwhelming.

BUT please, DON'T GIVE UP.

Some tips for finishing strong:

  1. complete and hand in missing assignments.
  2. prepare well for year end assessments - be they portfolios or exams
  3. talk to your teachers NOW about what you can do to make sure you earn the credit
  4. make a plan, one assignment at a time, to catch up - and stick to it as much as possible
  5. plan in study breaks, because you can't do work and no play, just limit the play at least until the end of the school year
  6. eat well
  7. sleep well
  8. attend every class from now until the end of the school year 
  9. ask questions
  10. seek guidance from your guidance counsellor

DON'T Give up! Finish STRONG!