Thursday 23 August 2018

To Graduation and Beyond

Welcome to Grade 12!!

This post is mainly for you the grade 12s at SRSS, however, there may be tips that go for all the returning students at SRSS.

Grade 12 is an EXCITING year. It can also be a SCARY year or an OVERWHELMING year.

Excitement comes from many things and events which are at times the "last" and sometimes brand new.

  • last year in high school
  • last year riding that big yellow bus
  • last mandatory PE class
  • last mandatory Math class, English class
  • last... (fill in the blank)
  • first graduation (unless you had a kindergarten or grade 9 grad)
  • first time thinking about moving away from home (for most of you)
And the possible scariness of all the big decisions and new things to come.
  • what do I do now?
  • do I go to university? college? Bible school? 
  • do I work for a year? or two? or forever?
  • what do I want to be when I grow up?
  • am I grown up now?
  • what if I decide on something? and hate it?
  • what? Why? Ahhhhhhh!!!???!!!

Let's start with this. 


Take it all in!



Work Hard!

Breath: Let me assure you that you can do this! You have got this! and if you are struggling or have questions that's okay! Talk to your guidance counsellor. Talk to your parents or guardians. Talk to a trusted adult. Talk to a peer. And know this. It's never too late to make a new plan. Sometimes it will take some work... but most things are possible if you are willing to put in an effort.

Take it all in: Sometimes we get so busy thinking about the future and all the what ifs? and whys? and hows? that we forget to be present, to take it all in. We sometimes think we need to quickly get it done so we can get on with life. 

I want each of you to slow down and take it all in. Life is going to be different after grade 12 in many ways. So take the time this year to enjoy the things that are uniquely grade 12 and high school. Go to the sporting games, improv, plays, music performances. Support your friends in those things and allow them to support you in your extra-curricular endeavours.  Cheer on the team. Sing with the choir. Participate in spirit week, food drives, May Day Play Day. Build the memories. You won't have high school for a lifetime. But you can have the memories.

Relax: I am going to add a "but" to this one. Relax. Try not to stress. BUT - that doesn't mean you don't pay attention to deadlines and due dates. It means that you will need down time too. It can't be all school work and part-time jobs. You also need to build in down time. Time to hang out with friends. Time to read a book, go horseback riding, hike, bake, nap or whatever you down time activity is. Having that balance will allow you to do your best in school and keep you stress levels where they should be. 

Enjoy: Enjoy the little moments and the big moments. Don't spend your whole year looking forward to graduation day without taking the time to enjoy and reflect on the little moments throughout the year that get you to graduation. Celebrate the coffee that a friend gives you out of the blue. Tell jokes. Laugh. Send notes of appreciation to those who help you out - friends, parents, teacher, secretary, classmate... Take time to appreciate the things that make your day-to-day school experience better. 
Work Hard: Let's be honest. You still have to work hard. Your high school transcript will be with you for your life. (not saying you can't go back and add courses as an adult - but do you want to?) Many of you will be going on to trade schools, colleges, Bible schools and universities. Those institutions want to see what kind of a student you are - so marks count. Marks also count when it comes to scholarships and awards. Do your best right from the first day of school! 

And for those of you who think - "NOPE, not me. Never going back to school after I graduate". Let me tell you this - Sometimes our plans change and you may surprise yourself. So please, do your best, work hard right from the start. You may need that transcript some day and even if you don't... doing your best and working hard are good attributes to take with your for life. 

And finally HAVE A GREAT YEAR!