Tuesday 16 October 2018

To Graduation and Beyond - Part 2

Wow... Two months into grade 12. Fall is here... and maybe winter too...

Maybe it's kind of overwhelming. Maybe exciting. Maybe just too much. But here we still go...

So far this year we've formed a grad committee, had one grad meeting, celebrated last years awards, learned a great deal at Options and maybe have more questions than answers. Some of you have written your first university exam. Some of you have written your first university paper. Some of you played your first girls hockey game. Some of you played your first volleyball game of you last year in high school.

Some of you ... well... the list is long and that is just school stuff. Let's not overwhelm ourselves by thinking about the part-time job that feels full-time, the family stuff, the relationship stuff and the friend stuff.

So here is a reminder from the last blog:

Take it all in!
Work Hard!

Now let's talk about what else you may want to add to that repertoire.

Ask Questions!

Ask Those Questions Again!

Explore Your Options!


Ask Questions: Go see your teachers and ask questions if you don't understand something in class.(this will help you successfully finish all of your grade 12 credits - it's also a good tip for when you enter university or college). Both in high school and in university or college, asking questions one-on-one allows you to have a better understanding of content and expectations. However, it has another benefit. It allows the teacher or prof to get to know you and that is a good thing, especially in a large school or university. It puts a face to the name and that generally gives you a leg up. (an advantage)

If something is unclear in a university or college website or view book (or calendar as they are sometimes called), pick up the phone and ask. I always make sure I keep a record of the number I called, the person who answered and what they said. I do that so if I need to call back I can reference the conversation. It helps.

Ask Those Questions Again: If the answer is unclear, try asking the same question again. Or you can ask the question in a different way. Sometimes this actually allows you to get a better or clearer answer. Sometimes, depending on who you talk to, you may actually get a completely different answer. If that happens... ask more questions for clarity.

The people answering your questions may have misunderstood the question or understood it differently. The person also may know something new. Don't give up... Keep asking questions until it is clear to you.

Explore Your Options: Makes sense. Maybe. Maybe you KNOW without a shadow of a doubt that you KNOW you want to attend University of Manitoba to do that engineering or science or arts program. Maybe you have absolutely no doubt. But explore your options. Check out other programs. Look at other universities or colleges. Even if, in the end, you select that program at UM or which ever institution you have selected, it is good to know what your other options are.

And maybe, just maybe, while exploring your options you discover something you've never considered but catches your attention. Maybe it changes your current plan or maybe it gives you options to consider after you have completed the program you selected initially.

Participate: While all of this is going on, it is sometimes gets future focused. Don't forget to participate in your last year of high school. Sign up for a part of the grad fashion show, check out the National Universities Fair, hang out with your friends at school during spares, go to the volleyball, hockey, football and other sports games. Check out improv. Buy a ticket to the play. Go to the fall concert. Be present and participate in your final high school year.

So now your repertoire for this year is a bit longer. But it's worth it.


Take it all in!


Work Hard!

Ask Questions!

Ask Those Questions Again!

Explore Your Options!


** grad fashion show pictures courtesy of Mr. Paul Reimer from the SRSS website - all other pictures taken by Ms Thiessen.