Tuesday 27 November 2018

Peace on Earth - Or Something Like That!

Christmas is just around the corner. Christmas music is starting to play. Whether you see Christmas as a religious holiday, a secular event or a money grab by the stores the tell-tale signs are all around us. One of the things that you may see are signs or displays that include the word PEACE. So let's talk about PEACE for a few minutes.

I spent a day last week learning about the topic of Peace Literacy and what exactly that means. I think if you look around you will see lots of activity. You may also see, or hear of, chaos (think Black Friday shopping), violence (news reports etc.) and hateful words and actions (more news and social media).  But how often do we see and hear things that remind us of peace?  When do we feel peace? Or when do we feel peaceful?

Paul K. Chappell is the Peace Leadership Director for the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation. Yep - that is a mouthful of a title. He is a graduate of West Point and is a veteran of the war in Iraq. He is an author of a seven book series called The Road to Peace and is the creator of the idea of Peace Literacy. You can read more about him on Peace Literacy

I spent a day listening to Paul. He is passionate about peace and has so many interesting ideas about why we need to teach Peace Literacy. He believes it needs to be taught just like we teach literacy, numeracy, how to play an instrument, how to play a game and anything else we teach and learn.

Here are some of his ideas - just to give you something to think about in this busy time of year. If you want to explore the topic further you can check out his books or the website Peace Literacy

Chappell says that we have Nine Non-Physical Needs that need to be met in order for us to be able to work towards Peace. Below you will find a list of what Chappell calls our nine non-physical needs with a brief explanation in my words.

  1. Purpose and Meaning - we actually need a reason to get out of bed
  2. Nurturing Relationships - we need to have relationships with people we can trust
  3. Explanations - we need to know why? why is the sky blue? why is it cold in winter? 
  4. Expression - we need to express ourselves - art, music, sport, clothing
  5. Inspiration - we need role models - to positively inspire us
  6. Belonging - we need to be part of something bigger than ourselves
  7. Self-worth - we need to believe in ourselves, recognize our good qualities
  8. Challenge - we need to challenge ourselves, get better at something, learn something new
  9. Transcendence - we need to be able to work through our emotions (like fear) with the help of those around us. 
So what? Why would I write a blog about this? Who cares? 

Well in short - to give you something to think about. How are you doing in these non-physical needs? Are they being met? Are you helping to fulfill these needs for other people? Can you be trusted? Do you trust others? Who is inspiring you? Are you an inspiration to others? If so, are you a positive or negative inspiration? 

At this busy time of year, maybe each one of us can take a moment to think about PEACE in our homes, schools, community, province, country and the world. And maybe, we can strive to bring  a little bit of peace to our world. Whatever our world may look like. Maybe we can look at those nine non-physical needs and work on them in our own lives and the lives of those around us.

So at this time of the year: May there be Peace on Earth and Peace in your life!

For more information check out the website: peace literacy: a skillset for the 21st century by clicking this link: https://www.peaceliteracy.org/