Wednesday 10 April 2019

Objects in Mirror are Closer Than They Appear: AKA Grad is Just Around the Corner

I went for a walk around the SRSS the other day. The telltale signs of grad are upon us. The grad bulletin board, grad portraits being taken, Cinderella's Closet, and the sign on Mr. Gibson's office door counting down the days until grad.

Maybe like me, you are shocked to find out that there are less than 60 school days left. I think I stood there amazed to see that sign. Time sure flies when you are having fun... or maybe the saying should be "Time sure flies when you are working hard."

So this blog is the pep talk,  specifically for grade 12 students, but really applying to all of you.

Tips for the last push:

  1. Commit to finishing strong. 
  2. Attend classes every day.
  3. Hand in assignments.
  4. Ask questions.
  5. Listen to announcements.
  6. Read emails. They contain important information
  7. Attend grad meetings (okay - this one is just for grade 12 students)
  8. Talk to your teachers. If you are going through something and need a little extra support tell your teacher - they  CANNOT read your mind. 
  9. Touch base with your guidance counsellor. Make sure you understand what you need to get done. 
  10. Have fun while doing the above. You only do school once. You only graduate once.