Friday 21 June 2019

Graduation and Farewell!!

Grad is mere days away and I couldn't be more excited, proud and curious.

I am so excited to see the great outfits! And I'm especially excited to celebrate with you, the graduates, on your special day.

Graduates, you have accomplished so much. I am so proud of all of you! For some of you, the accomplishments include amazing marks and great financial scholarships. Well Done! For some of you, the accomplishments were in the arts - whether music, drama or painting and drawing. Well Done! For some of you, the accomplishments were in athletics - personal bests, team bests, team banner, personal medals. Well Done! For some, the accomplishments include vocational triumphs including Skills Manitoba and Skills Canada. For others your accomplishment was getting it done, sticking it out, persevering through tough times and getting it done. Graduating! Well done!! I am especially proud of you!

Lastly, I'm curious. I'm curious to see and hear all the amazing things you go on to do. I look forward to bumping into you in 5, 10 or 15 years and learning about your lives. I've been doing this teaching thing almost 30 years now and the best part of my job (or at least one of them) is bumping into former students and hearing about their lives, families, jobs, travels etc.

This is such an exciting time. Enjoy it. Make the most of it. Play safely. And then go out and conquer your dreams. Make the world a better place!

And if you happen to be around... let me know what's going on in your life. Personally, I won't be at the SRSS next year. I'm taking the year off to travel. However, I will be in the area off and on throughout the year. Hopefully, we will see each other in Steinbach... If not, I expect to be back at SRSS in a year's time. So come back and let me know how things are going. I also hope to bump into you in 5, 10 and/or 15 years and hear what you've done with your life!!

Farewell Grads! It has been such a pleasure being a small part of your school lives. You will be missed. I wish you all the best in your life. I hope that you will experience many joys, that your sorrows will help you to grow and develop as a person, and that your journeys will take you to unexpected, but wonderful places.

Ms Thiessen.

PS... if you are following this blog - note that there will be no posts over the year I am gone.