Friday 23 October 2020

School Days in COVID Times

COVID 19 has meant a number of changes to how we do school. Actually it has meant a number of changes to how we do life.

Some of these changes include physical distancing, one way hallways, new school schedules, longer classes, classes every other day, wearing masks, at home learning every other day, fewer social contacts, more physical distancing, hand sanitizer, washing our hands much more often, no high fives, no hugs, opening doors with our shirt sleeves, etc.

For some people these changes work well for them... they didn't like shaking hands, high fives or hugs. 

For some people these changes are terrible... they want to play sports, shake hands, share their snacks.

However, my guess is, the situation is stressful or stress provoking for almost all of us. Will people follow the guidelines? Will people make me follow the guidelines? Will I come in contact with someone who has COVID but doesn't know it yet? Will my school or workplace get shut down due to COVID or COVID restrictions? 

So, how do  we deal with the stress?

I've told my grade nine students that I have a pretty, pink magic wand... but it doesn't seem to be working. Otherwise I'd wave it and get rid of COVID. (They know I'm joking... I hope you get my humour) But right now it is a reality we have to live in. How do we handle it? 

I'm not an expert, but here are some tips. 

Check out this article: Coronavirus Anxiety It has some great ideas. Here is a brief summary. The article goes into more details. 

1. Stay informed...but don't be obsessive

2. Concentrate on things that you can control. 

3. Find ways to stay connected...while following guidelines in your area

4. Take care of yourself...body, mind and spirit

5. Don't forget kind and helpful

Here are some other useful links.

Anxiety Canada

Mental Health and COVID

Managing Stress and Anxiety - Manitoba